Friday, February 29, 2008

nuestra casa...(our house)

Now that we are somewhat settled into our new home, I thought that it would be appropriate to share some pictures of our place. It is a quaint two bedroom back house situated quite comfortably above the garage area of the front house. We are so thankful to be blessed with such an amazing house to enjoy. So, here we go, we would also like to extend an invitation to come by and visit!

the great freeze...

This is one of the most impressive/awesome things that I have seen. If there is anyone out there inspired to do something like this, I WANT IN. Let me know when and where you are doing this because I want to be a part of it. It's great!

Friday, February 22, 2008

...what's so great anyways?

I just finished (I know, I can't believe it either) "What's So Great About Christianity?" by Dinesh D'Souza and let me tell you, if you want a book that will challenge you, this is the one for you.

D'Souza is a well-known author/speaker known mostly for his writing on politics and government. However, being a Christian, he set out to combat this ever growing "atheist regime" whose sole objective is to eradicate religion from the world. Leading atheists such as Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Sam Harris, among others, have been writing books proclaiming that faith is a sickness, that God is only a delusion, and that Christianity is a cruel and brutal religion. Therefore, D'Souza has taken these claims and confronted them in this book. 

The interesting thing is that he not only confronted them on small scale, but on the large scale as well. His arguments address issues such as evolution, morality, wars, education, science, philosophy, all of which the atheists along with many others claim to have rendered Christianity helpless and unable to explain itself to these challenges. But, as D'Souza has accomplished in this book, Christianity has no reason to hide or to run from these claims. TRUTH IS FOUND IN THE BIBLE, and we can't doubt that.

So, I want to encourage you, if you want, to read this book. Even if you are NOT a Christian and share in the same views as those who are questioning Christianity and have the same objectives as these people above, this book is worth checking out. For me, these were also questions that I had concerning my faith, and now it is good to see that I am not crazy and I don't have a "blind faith". God is truth and Christianity is GREAT!

If you want to check out Dinesh D'Souza, check out his website here.

Monday, February 18, 2008 beginnings

Now, since we have become one flesh, according to Scripture, we have decided to take it upon ourselves to become "one blogger". Therefore, we are inspired to begin this new blog for the enjoyment for those who mean the world to us. And it is our pledge to bring you the following:
- up to date news on our lives.
- ramblings that most likely will make sense only to us, but we think you will enjoy as well.
- photos of our life together.
 - and anything else "blog-worthy".

We want to thank you all for reading our previous blogs, your support and curiosity are what keep this blogging dream alive. So, without further adieu, I bring you the first of many blogs. We wish you all God's blessing in all that you do!