Tuesday, April 15, 2008

planting trees...

Well, albeit that there are many out there who wonder what exactly I (David) do for a job. You might ask yourself, "What in the world does he do all day at church? Is there enough for him to do to fill all the time?" And those are legitimate questions to ask if you have never worked done this type of work before, it would seem that there was enough things to fill up my time. But, let me tell you, there is plenty of things to be done.

One thing that Paradox (the college ministry) was involved in was the planting of trees at a nearby High School. One girl in the group had a desire to reach out to the community of Santa Barbara and show the love of Christ to them, therefore we have participated in numerous service opportunities to exemplify that love to those who don't normally see it. This particular time we planted trees. It was a great time, although hot, it was great doing something out of love for the people.

I have included a slideshow to show you all the good time we had.

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